
Tuesday, October 16, 2012


5 months has passed since I've started my course in Hotel Management and I'm already on my second semester. Learned a lot and experienced a lot but just like in any other things that we do, there's always peak of joy or a downfall. In the end, it's only a matter of how we handle things. I mean, can you imagine a kitchen without minor stress, burnt hands, small cuts, break of plates, spillage of water or even slips on the floor? That would be like insane, like a robot kitchen or something. Even so, robots also have their moments when they get hay-wired and stuff. So yeah, I admit and I understand that nothing can be done perfectly. Point is, there's always a solution behind an issue. As long as we don't panic and we keep calm, things would be okay.

Top lesson I learned is that we all have to have the patience in whatever that we do. Truth to be told, throughout the months that I've been here, I lost my patience quite often and safe to say that I lost a handful of close-friendships because of it but it doesn't really bother me because I don't think I've done anything wrong and if I did, they sure didn't told me so. Frankly, it's quite childish of their behavior as well. So many things I wish I could express but it might hurt too much of other's feelings so I shall just keep it to myself and save the drama. Keep Calm and Carry On.

"No, I will be the pattern of all patience; I will say nothing" 
                                                  -William Shakespeare  

Signing off,

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Have you ever?

Have you ever feel like you should end the wretched life you now have?
Have you ever feel like the whole world is crushing down on you?
Have you ever feel like everything is piling up in front of you?
Have you ever feel like there's no hope for you?
Have you ever feel like you're not good enough?
Have you ever feel like nobody is there for you?

Have you ever feel like perfection is what people seek in you?
Have you ever feel like people judge you for more than what you're worth?
Have you ever feel like you're not worth it at all?
Have you ever feel like you've disappointed the people you love?
Have you ever feel like you're born a mistake?
Have you ever feel like you're the major factor in everyone's sorrows?
Have you ever feel like you're the most miserable person on Earth?
Have you ever feel like you have the most difficult life?
Have you ever feel like no one in this world understands you?
Have you ever feel like you don't deserve anybody's love?
Have you ever feel like you have the responsibility to carry everyone else's pain?
Have you ever feel like you only bring pain to everyone that surrounds you?
Have you ever read things like this and agree with it completely?
Have you ever, really?

If you've thought "yes" for more than even once out of those 20 questions then think again. Stop looking at the negative side of life and start looking for the light because you keep thinking that way then you really are what you think. Stop thinking of what you don't have and what you've not accomplish. God is great and he has it all planned out for us, is just a matter of time and how determined you are to see what his plans are for you. No matter what God you believe in, they're all the same. No matter how down and depressed you are right now, snap out of it. With every ending, there's a beginning of something new and you'll never know what it'll be unless you stick around for it to happen. Don't give up on fate just because it accidentally took a wrong turn, just keep holding on to faith and let fate work its ways. Whatever you do, don't give up. Why? Because right now, whatever you think you're worth of and that people don't see how great you are is because it isn't your time yet, you just have to push yourself into showing them how awesome you are or better yet, show yourself.

Signing off,

Thursday, June 7, 2012


According to Wikipedia,
The original Latin word "universitas" refers in general to "a number of persons associated into one body, a society, company, community, guild, corporation, etc." At the time of the emergence of urban town life and medieval guilds, specialised "associations of students and teachers with collective legal rights usually guaranteed by charters issued by princes, prelates, or the towns in which they were located" came to be denominated by this general term. Like other guilds, they were self-regulating and determined the qualifications of their members. The original Latin word referred to degree-granting institutions of learning in Western Europe, where this form of legal organisation was prevalent, and from where the institution spread around the world. For non-related educational institutions of antiquity which did not stand in the tradition of the university and to which the term is only loosely and retrospectively applied, see ancient higher-learning institutions.

According to yours truly,
University is the point in life where you have to take it seriously, no more fooling around because this right here is the point in life where you decide what you want out of it. The most important thing is our future and is based on this so little years. If we succeed, we will always be successful. If we fail, it'll only be a pain for us. Even so, I also think that University is a place to rediscover yourself, to find that person you truly are or to even change to a better person you already are. Exactly a month has passed since the first day of my course and I've changed so much compared to who I was back in high school. Looks, mindset, attitude, you name it. I also realized that we have to sacrifice a lot to go through these few years. Money, sweat, time and even some of the people you've grown to know in the past but I'm happy now, to be who and what I am and to meet new people, to experience a totally new beginning.

Everyday is always a beginning, don't ever, ever, forget that.

Signing off,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Diploma of Hotel Management.

After months of procrastinations, it's finally time to pull myself back together again. It is now the end of the second week of my course and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. During orientation, I thought i would be miserable moving on from high school and that I wouldn't make any new friends but turns out it was the total opposite! Orientation was a week long, it was the most boring, most useless, most sleepiest week of my life! I swear, it was a bunch of talks that was wasting my life.

And then the first week of class started, it was quite interesting. Instead of classmates, we have group mates, 15 of them. I am blessed to have this group as mine because compared to all the others, we're the only group that are actually working together in everything and always sticking to one another. They are like family now.

Second week of class and my birthday happens to fall on one of the days, my group mates & two other college mates came up with this thing, sort of like a treasure hunt for me and other two May babies. They made us do silly things and go around our HUGE campus, it was so tiring but fun as well. They even got us a cake, birthday cards and got me a bracelet. Ain't that the sweetest thing?

It's really obvious I'm going to have lots of fun with them for the next two years here. I'm. So. Thankful.

Signing off,

Monday, December 26, 2011


This year has been really interesting and by far one of the most important years of my life because it was my last year in high school. I've really learned a lot this year, experienced a lot too. Words can't describe how great it was! I've met so many people, even people from Germany! Heh. This year, I really made the most of the time in high school. Guess you'll never really know what you have until the time when you're going to lose it huh? That's what I think anyway.

Wouldn't replace all the memories that I had this year, not even the bad ones.

Signing off,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Funny conversations.

Being a waitress, sometimes you get to catch on little conversations the customers have and have funny conversations with customers and also the staff. And sometimes, it's the only thing that makes the job nice and fun.

Situation: Serving a group of customers
Me: Drinks?
Customer (Super cute boy!): Green Tea please.
Me: Okay, hot or cold?
Customer : I'm hot. *gestures at friends to ask if they wanted hot or cold tea*
Friends & Me: *starts chuckling and tries not to laugh*
Customer : *slaps forehead and starts laughing* Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing. I didn't mean it THAT way!

Situation: Bringing dirty dishes into the kitchen (We usually shout "behind!" when we walk in there so the others would know we're behind them)
Worker A: *walks into kitchen with a bunch of heavy dishes* BEHIND!
Worker B: *walks behind Worker A with a few dishes* CIBAI! *smiles widely*
Everyone in the kitchen: *laughs their ass off*

Note: Maybe that might not have been funny when you're reading it but it was seriously damn hilarious.

There's actually more but I can't really remember so too bad! Heh.

Signing off,

Monday, December 12, 2011


Thinking back to all the things that I've been through. I miss everything that has happened. I wish the same things could happen again so that I'd cherish the moment more. I miss how everything was less complicating and carefree. Life was much easier when you were younger, now it's just a big bunch of poo. So much responsibilities, duties and all sorts of nonsense that none of us would want to do but we have to.

Remembering all those times when you had everyone giving you all your wants and needs, it just feels miserable knowing that from now on, you have to do it on your own. Well, not exactly I suppose. We still have friends & family that we come across and hustle along with us. We really gotta appreciate every each one of them.

Life's a war and the people you meet are your soldiers. You don't train just one soldier, you train thousands. You might not remember all of their names but you'll always remember that you've fought in the war with them. Some may have not be strong enough to battle along with you but some will stick till the very end of it.

Thinking of this, I am really grateful for everyone that has been there for me.

Signing off,