
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Funny conversations.

Being a waitress, sometimes you get to catch on little conversations the customers have and have funny conversations with customers and also the staff. And sometimes, it's the only thing that makes the job nice and fun.

Situation: Serving a group of customers
Me: Drinks?
Customer (Super cute boy!): Green Tea please.
Me: Okay, hot or cold?
Customer : I'm hot. *gestures at friends to ask if they wanted hot or cold tea*
Friends & Me: *starts chuckling and tries not to laugh*
Customer : *slaps forehead and starts laughing* Oh my gosh, this is so embarrassing. I didn't mean it THAT way!

Situation: Bringing dirty dishes into the kitchen (We usually shout "behind!" when we walk in there so the others would know we're behind them)
Worker A: *walks into kitchen with a bunch of heavy dishes* BEHIND!
Worker B: *walks behind Worker A with a few dishes* CIBAI! *smiles widely*
Everyone in the kitchen: *laughs their ass off*

Note: Maybe that might not have been funny when you're reading it but it was seriously damn hilarious.

There's actually more but I can't really remember so too bad! Heh.

Signing off,